If you’re an allergy sufferer, you know the pain of itchy eyes, runny noses, and irritated skin. We all know that cleaning is essential to keep allergens at bay, but there are a few other tricks for improving allergy symptoms in your home. Here are three tips for reducing allergens in your home so you can breathe easy.
Switch to hardwood floors
Practically everyone loves the look of a classy hardwood flooring. Not only is this chic design idea a beautiful look, it’s also a great way to reduce allergens in the home. Pet dander, pollens, and dust have a tendency to stick to carpeting and other fibers. Hardwood flooring is easy to clean and will even improve the resale value in your home. Nearly 90% of homeowners prefer hardwood over laminate flooring or vinyl, so hardwood is the way to go when you look for a new flooring installation.
Clean your filters
Even if you get a great flooring installation service, other areas in your home are still allergen traps. Your HVAC filter needs to be cleaned twice annually to work at its best. If you have a window air conditioner, be sure to clean the filters and wipe the box down once a week to minimize dust accumulation.
This also includes your vacuum filters. Vacuums will gradually lose suction due to dirt and dust accumulation. Even if your new hardwood floor looks cleaner after vacuuming, there are still thousands of allergens left behind because of your old filter. Clean it regularly and replace it if need be.
Get an air room filter
Now that you’ve done a great job removing the brunt of your surface-level allergens, it’s time to work on your airborne allergens. Investing in an air filter is a great way to capture airborne allergies that you couldn’t remove through regular cleaning. A large air filter can clean the air in your living room, but getting a smaller one for your bedroom is worth the investment. After all, we spend a third of our lives sleeping — we deserve to breathe easy as we rest.
These three options are just some of the ways you can reduce allergens in your home. As summer shifts to fall, the seasonal allergies are bound to send you scrambling for help. Consider contacting the best in residential flooring at Bracewell’s Flooring and Fencing when you want to install your beautiful, new hardwood floors.