The implications of the 2017 solar eclipse are playing out in many ways. The fact that half a million people are, for instance, expected in the town of Grand Island, Nebraska, for instance, means that the town is bracing itself. Property owners with even a small amount of open space on their property are setting up electric generators and renting out overnight space. Small business owners are also finding available electric generators and providing air conditioned tents to serve catered lunches to employees so that the middle of the day celestial event can be enjoyed and celebrated at the same time.
Professional generator installations all over town, in fact, are being set up in preparation for the biggest crowd this town of 40,000 has ever seen. Local residents have been asked to avoid buying gas and groceries or going out to eat the weekend before and the day of the eclipse, so it should really not come as a surprise that both electric generators and eclipse glasses are in high demand.
Large Crowds and Big Events Require Detailed Attention to Extra Power Sources
Whether it is cooling tents for the first college football game of the season or a once in a lifetime event like a total solar eclipse, having access to power is essential. It likely comes as no surprise that electric generators, bottled water, and other essentials are the first things to sell out in many kinds of situations.
And while residential and commercial generators are often needed, they also spend long periods not in use. For This reason, many individuals and companies rent, rather than buy, the generators that they need. Generator preventative maintenance can be difficult, so renting is often the best option. Consider these facts and figures about the electrical needs of Americans and how generator services solve those needs:
- 66% of all homes in the U.S. have air conditioners.
- 5% of all the electricity produced in the U.S. is used by air conditioners.
- A programmable thermostat can save consumers about $180 every year in energy costs through the proper use of pre-programmed settings.
- Taking actions to keep your home cool like switching to high-efficiency air conditioners can reduce energy use for air conditioning by as much as 20% to 50%.
- Stand by generators help business owners and commercial property owners prepare for emergency situations.