Ground protection mats are used by a variety of industries, as well as groups and individuals, in a variety of ways. From construction crane pads to camper jack pads to temporary surface solutions for large community gatherings, ground protection mats provide a sturdy surface that for equipment, for campers, as well as for stages and, at times, even for people.
Large construction projects for bridges and road way construction require outrigger pads for cranes. Even construction projects that are scheduled for a a current surface benefit from the use of ground protection mats to lessen the damage to existing concrete. For each of the various reasons that these surfaces are needed, there is a wide variety of choices available. From specifically sized RV jack pads to plastic cribbing blocks, various ground protection mats are used for a number of special purposes. Understanding what kinds of crane mats you need, for instance, can help determine the success of the job.
Consider some of these statistics about the ground protection mat industry:
- $5 billion was the estimated 2013 revenue from campgrounds and RV parks in America. All of these campgrounds, however, rely on steady and stable surfaces where their customers can park their expensive recreational vehicles.
- 16% of campers stayed in RVs, according to the 2014 American Camping Report. Most of these RV owners have their own RV jack pads in case they are in a location that is not as stable as necessary.
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines state that cranes must be assembled on ground that is firm, drained, and sufficiently graded. In addition these cranes also require various supporting materials like mats, blocking, cribbing, and pads to provide adequate levelness and support. (OSHA 1926.1402)
- The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) guidelines indicate that outrigger cribbing or blocking must have sufficient strength to prevent bending, crushing, or shear failure. These materials need to also meet a thickness, width, and length as to completely support the float, transmit the load to the supporting surface, and prevent shifting, toppling, or excessive settlement under the load. (ASME B30.5-2011)
Industrial construction crews that rely on cranes, as well as almost anyone involved in the electrical utility industry, government, military, and mining all understand the value of working on a strong, stable surface. Finding outrigger pads that are engineered from thermoplastic is often the best option, as steel pads are very heavy and wooden pads are often less stable. By using pads that are made from plastic that is extremely dense and strong, many construction crews find that they are able to best achieve their goals.