If you’ve noticed that your garage door is noisy of late, you may be eager to improve it and make it a bit more quiet. This can be an easy DIY for you if you’re willing to spare some time on an afternoon to do it, and you only need a few basic supplies.
The main thing is WD-40, which you will spray generously on every single hinge on your garage door. It will penetrate the hinges and give you a smoother and noticeably more quiet door. The fact that it will sink into the hinges means that you won’t have to deal with grime collecting on them over time.
Open and close the garage door periodically as you listen for any loud noises that may be audible at specific points on the door. Tighten all the hinges as well, because when loose, they can be a cause for the noise. Remember to move the door up and down as is necessary, so that you will always be working with the spot you’re adjusting at eye level for perfect results.
As mentioned, this is a simple DIY and not a complex or dangerous one for which you would need to call garage door services