It might occur to you as you are squinting across your living area that you can barely see the painting you hung on the other side of the room. Or maybe it?s nighttime and you?re all cozy reading a nice book, but your eyes are getting tired more easily than normal. It?s possible that you need to revamp your lighting system. This seems simple, but there?s a lot to consider when deciding how you are going to select and place lights throughout your living area.
First, let?s talk about the three types of interior lighting.
- Ambient lighting is charged with bringing a soft and unobtrusive glow to a room.
- Task lighting, much like it sounds, is used to shed light on specific activities, likely in a small area.
- Accent lighting is an integral part of designer lighting projects because it highlights the things in your living space that you want to stand out.
For the finest contemporary lighting around, you must combine all three of these elements to produce a theatrical yet practically lit living space. A lighting professional will be able to assist you with specifics, but you also need to ask yourself a few questions. What is this room for? Am I going to use it for myself, or for social gatherings? How do my personal preferences play into the way the room is used? Sure, there is a lot to decide, but when you settle on a purpose the room should serve, you will then be ready to look talk to a distributor of designer lighting.
Say you?re looking to light your dining room. Have you ever wondered why people always seem to have a chandelier hanging over the table? Well, when you consider it, a soft yet prominent light source directly above a social gathering can be more stimulating than ambient track lighting, especially in a social situation. The chandelier acts as an accent light for conversation. Now, compare an overhead light fixture to a candle in a dining room. The mood shifts entirely from social stimulation to one of intimacy.
This is just one example of how designer lighting can completely change your entire living space. As long as you know what you want to use the room for, you can figure out how to make it sparkle with the help of a designer lighting professional.