Just Any Old Pipe Just Won’t Do At All

Air fitting

When you are using compressed air, it flows from your compressor to the end-users through your compressed air piping layout. At first glance, it might seem like any pipe will do. Why not, right? A pipe is a pipe, of course.

The key to proper compressed air distribution from one place to another is to be able to do so without losing any excess air. The more air that reaches its destination the better for you and the job you are trying to get done.

The bigger the compressor the bigger the pipe. That would seem like some easy math, and it is. Basically. You can do some very easy calculations to figure that out, but how big a pipe you should get is not the only question that needs to be answered.

Over 70% of all manufacturers use a compressed air system of one kind or another. One question they should all be asking when deciding on the type of pipe that is needed is, how strong does your pipe need to be. Is it going to be strong enough to withstand the pressure that is going to be put on it when the air is traveling through the compressed air piping layout? The piping should be durable and able to withstand many different changes in pressure.

When it comes to a compressed air piping layout, installation of the proper piping is important. Potential problems like water, rust, where to place valves, where to hook up different connections and filters and other concerns all must be addressed to make sure that your system runs smoothly.

Piping that is too small is a common problem in workshops and on factory floors where these workspaces have been expanded over time. A company might install a new machine, add additional air tools, or change air fittings and the piping may no longer work at its proper efficiency as a result. The compressed air piping layout should be evaluated at regular intervals to make sure that it continues to be the most effective layout for the job.

Remember that compressed air is being pushed certain distances and this requires an air compressor that can produce the required pressure. If the air compressor pipes are smaller, the air will have a more difficult time going through the pipes. If you are trying to decide between a smaller sized pipe and a larger sized pipe for your compressed air piping layout, it would be a wise decision to go with the bigger pipe.

Wasted air can mean wasted energy and that wasted energy adds up in dollars and cents. Something as small as a 1/8 inch hole in a 100psi system can cost upwards of $1,200 per year in wasted energy. Making sure that everything is being monitored properly can save you a good chunk of change in the end.

At the same time, 80 to 905 of the energy used in your compressed air system is converted to heat. Maximizing every dollar your machine can provide is a bonus.

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