Childhood obesity is a major problem. Having tripled in the past 30 years, the World Health Organization now says that 40 million children under 5 were overweight in 2010. In fact, one in three children born after 2000 will suffer from diabetes unless obesity is addressed. While addressing obesity is a multifaceted issue, an outdoor playset can help keep children active, engaged, and overall healthy.
Regular physical activity can help with a child. In addition to curbing obesity, activity can promote psychological well being and reduce anxiety in children. By promoting imaginative play, children will use their innate creativity, and keep it until school starts.
Safety advances to outdoor playsets also mean children do not get harmed. Take basketballs. Orange basketballs were introduced in the 1950s so players could see them better, for they were brown beforehand. Another advance is in backyard swingsets. While traditional open sided swingsets are still available, there are also swing sets for sale with harnesses for more fragile children.
Getting started on an outdoor playset is easy. While parents can buy an outdoor playset, it is easier to assemble one from scratch. All you need are to find trampolines for sale, wooden swingsets, and maybe a basketball hoop. Once those are part of an outdoor playset, parents have a fun and cost effective way to reduce obesity. Get more info here: