According to recent studies, bacteria such as coliform contaminates around 15 percent of public water supplies and 40 percent of private water supplies. Considering that the Environmental Protection Agency regulates over 80 contaminants found in public water systems such as arsenic, e coli, chlorine, and lead, there is a lot to take into account when investing in a water filtration system. If you want fresh, crisp, and clean water, explore Pentek water filters before switching to strictly bottled water.
Whether or not you think you need a whole house water filter or just a simple filter under the sink, Pentek water filters offer a variety of filtration systems to keep your water free from contaminants. Omni water filters and American Plumber water filters also offer the same type of filters as Pentek water filters but the real question is, what kind of filter will you need? The first step is to assess your water system to understand what types of contaminants are entering your current water supply.
Be sure to keep that information so you can understand which type of Pentek water filters can clean up your water source and help prevent any contamination in the future. Just like an oil filter, these Pentek water filters should be checked for cleanliness and should be swapped out when the recommended lifespan of the filter has passed. Be sure to talk to professionals who deal with water systems like plumbers, general home improvement contractors, and even health and wellness professionals to get suggestions on what type of Pentek water filters to explore.