When you add them up and put them all together, elevators in the United States alone make 18 billion passenger trips every single year. Elevators are in every major city and everywhere there are buildings with multiple floors. We’ve grown up with elevators and many of us see them and ride in them on a daily basis. We count on their reliability and the elevator safety company that keeps them riding smoothly. An elevator safety company handles elevator maintenance and elevator repair on residential lifts or any commercial elevator.
There are over 700,000 elevators in the United States, carrying people up a few floors or several. With the technological advancements that have been made over the last few decades, it is easy to simply take elevators for granted. Here are three things you didn’t know about elevators and maybe never even thought to ask.
1.) Elevator music had a purpose
In the 1920s, elevator music was introduced to elevators all around the country. The purpose of the light, instrumental music was to calm fearful passengers who might be taking an elevator ride for the first time in their lives. It was for much more than simple entertainment and was credited with helping soothe riders. This helped make the elevator more popular with people everywhere.
2.) Elevator travel is statistically the safest way to go
When given the choice between an elevator and an escalator, many might choose the moving stairs of the escalator, believing them to be the safer way to go up and down. Unfortunately, those who would choose the escalator would be choosing the wrong option for safety. Elevators are actually twenty times safer than escalators. Though they outnumber the escalators twenty to one, elevators have a third of the accidents an escalator has.
When it comes to the elevator, many people fear that the car will somehow free fall more than they fear anything else. However, there is only one recorded incident of this happening. After a plane crashed into the Empire State Building in 1945 severing cables for two elevators, a woman fell while inside one of the cars and survived due to the coiled up cables that cushioned the fall of the car.
Every elevator safety company is committed to the safety of those who travel up and down building every day. Their work definitely pays off.
Elevators move the world
An elevator safety company knows it must always do its best to keep the cars in the best condition possible. After all, elevators move the world. At least they move its inhabitants on a regular basis. Every three days, elevators move 7.4 billion people. That means that the world’s population goes up and down an elevator every 72 hours. That a lot of folks!