Home improvement entails a lot of activities such as building projects, making improvements to outdoor structures and gardens, repair, maintenance, and other servicing tasks such as radon testing and inspection. Radon gas is an odorless, tasteless, and colorless gas that exists naturally after the continuous breakdown of uranium. This gas gets into the house through small openings and cracks in concrete foundations undetected. With its ability to penetrate through solid materials, this gas can easily move into your home, thus causing unnecessary damages and health issues. For instance, at least 20, 000 cases of lung cases are caused by radon gas. The good news is that scientists project that lung cancer deaths can be reduced by 2%-4% or close to 5,000 deaths through radon mitigation in homes with a higher EPA action level.
Radon testing and inspection are becoming one of the most sought for services. This is because of the harmful nature of radon gas. This gas has been associated with causing cancer. Therefore, every household needs to seek residential radon testing and inspection services. If this gas levels are above the recommended EPA level, it is about time you seek radon mitigation and abatement services.
Benefits of Radon Testing and Inspection
A home is not only supposed to shelter you but also be your safe haven. It should not be a place where you acquire diseases or run into unnecessary health issues. This is why it is very important to conduct radon testing and inspection. This exercise will ensure your house is free from hazardous radon gas. If the levels are so unbecoming, you can hire a radon mitigation company to reduce the presence of this gas in your house. Doing so will save you and your household from complications such as damage to DNA tissues and cancer.
Enhance the Value of Your House
Before you put your home up for sale, you just have to ensure it fits your quoted valuation. If you want a higher valuation, then you ought to conduct a thorough home improvement exercise. No potential homeowner will want to purchase a home with exorbitant radon gas levels. This is why you must hire a radon testing contractor to determine radon gas’s status in your house. Early radon mitigation should be carried out to reduce the radon gas levels in your home. Doing so will make your home not only safe for habitation but also improve the value of your house. It can now easily attract potential homeowners.
Radon testing is an affordable service, but its health benefits are very priceless. First, you are able to identify the presence of dangerous radon gas levels thus start working on mitigation with immediate effect. This helps you avoid the cost of seeking lung cancer treatment which is quite expensive. To avoid such an occurrence, it will be better to have your house inspected for radon gas early enough. You can work on reducing it early enough before it results in dire consequences.
Radon testing and inspection is a process that ought to be carried out occasionally. Doing so helps prevents the harmful effects of radon gas, for instance, lung cancer. However, you must ensure you bring on board a qualified radon testing contractor or company. This is one of the ways to ensure you have a fruitful radon mitigation process.