Carpet Cleaning for the Home or Office

What does a clean, fresh house or office space look like? Proper cleaning takes a variety of forms, from wiping down door handles and knobs to prevent spreading colds all the way to hiring maid services and similar carpet cleaning services. Clean carpets, rugs, and air make for a healthier and more pleasant place to live or work, but many American homeowners or business managers fall short of these standards. In fact, a homeowner can also turn to tile and grout cleaning services as well, so all surfaces on their property look their best. One may now wonder: what are the heath hazards associated with dirty carpets or air surfaces, and when is it time for carpet cleaning repairs? Many homeowners have their own carpet cleaning appliances, though if they get badly clogged or damaged, it is time for carpet cleaning repairs, and some homeowners don’t have these appliances at all. They might end up hiring maid services instead.

Health and Fabric

It is one thing to notice muddy footprints or spilled food on the carpet or a rug, but most dirt present in typical carpets and rugs is not even visible. Put another way, many carpets are much dirtier than they look, and they can cause all kinds of health issues. Over time, dust, allergens, skin flakes, hairs, tiny bits of food, and more can build up in the carpet, and a square yard of carpet may have a few pounds of dirt in it, far more than most homeowners will realize. Dirty carpets will constantly emit harmful particles into the air, or VOCs, and these can set off allergies or other respiratory issues in children and adults alike. In fact, many studies show that children tend to develop respiratory issues after being exposed to VOCs for too long, and many travelers will choose one hotel room or another based on a room’s use of hypoallergenic carpeting, drapes, and other materials.

This may be a problem both in the office and in the home. A busy homeowner, or one with many pets or children, may end up with dirty carpets and little time to clean them, leading to poor air quality due to VOCs. Around 75% of Americans report that they walk on their carpeting while wearing outdoor shoes, and this can build up dirt in the carpet very fast. Also, not everyone will use carpet cleaners to remove stains, but instead, opt to move furniture around to hide those stains. But of course, that does not fix the problem. Offices are also quite dirty, and all those VOCs and airborne allergens from dirty carpets and air ducts can have a serious impact on a worker’s mental functions. Studies show that very clean air in an office leads to a 101% improvement in cognitive functions, and that can totally transform the productivity levels of any office. Just keeping the space clean can make that much of a difference.

Cleaning Your Carpet

Homeowners and renters alike can get their hands on not just vacuum cleaners, but carpet cleaners too, and set up a schedule for cleaning those carpets. Once a vacuum has thoroughly sucked up all large dirt and debris particles, it is time for the cleaner. Often shaped like large vacuums, these devices will use water, brushes, carpet shampoos, and more to scrub the carpets and clear up all dirt, hairs, crumbs, and more. Of course, if such a machine gets damaged, such as if it sucked up coins or marbles or hard objects, carpet cleaning repairs may be necessary. Such professional carpet cleaning repairs might also be done if the carpet cleaner drew up too much hair and got clogged somewhere the user cannot easily reach. Overall, carpet cleaners will allow the home’s carpeting to not only look and smell nicer, but also improve air quality as a whole.

For an office or a busy homeowner, it is a fair option to hire maid services, and professional cleaners will arrive on schedule to completely vacuum and shampoo the carpets to maximum effect, typically when the property’s owners or residents are not there (such as overnight). Busy homeowners, or someone going on an extended vacation or business trip, may choose this option to keep their house in good shape.

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