A garden sprinkler system is an excellent way to keep your plants healthy and hydrated. Here’s what you need to do to install one in your yard.
The first step to adding a garden sprinkler system to your yard is checking how many pounds of pressure are output by the hose. You’ll need at least 30 PSI to properly run the in-ground sprinkler once it’s installed.
After checking the pounds of pressure on the hose, you’ll want to time how long it takes to fill the receptacle from the spigot attached to the water source you’re using for the sprinkler.
Next, you’ll need to dig a trench that measures the length of the space you want to water. After that, dig a six-to-eight-inch trench and place a one-inch pipe into it. Once that’s done, cover the middle of the pipe and attach a fitting to the end of the pipe. Then, ensure that you have a backflow preventer installed in the water source to avoid contamination between the domestic supply and the irrigation system.
Once you’ve followed these steps, you’ll be all ready to water the plants in your yard. Good luck, and happy gardening!