Keeping your landscaping looking great can require a lot of materials. Among these materials are mulch products such as black compost mulch. There are many different types of mulch, and most of them will give you good performance as long as the mulch is spread thick enough. It’s never a good idea to skimp on buying mulch. You can get bark mulch by the yard at volume discounts from some suppliers. When you find the best bark for weed control, use plenty of it to keep the ground protected against weeds.
Getting the best price on bagged mulch often depends on the size of the store and the quantity that you buy. There are many big-box stores that sell large quantities of bagged mulch for cheap. There are also bark dust installations that can work well for insulating the ground. These may not look as good as bark mulch, but it is often a cheaper option. With the right mulch on the ground, you can make it easier to take care of your landscaped areas. With fewer weeds coming up, your chosen plants won’t have to compete for water and sunlight. Mulch can also keep the ground warmer in the winter.
It’s officially gardening season! Though many landscape materials are important, mulch is second-to-none. As the base of your bed, it performs a three-fold job: it prevents the growth of weeds, nourishes the plants growing beneath it, and makes your yard look picture perfect!
However, the nationwide nonstop rain and soon-to-be high temperatures could turn your gorgeous garden into a crawling catastrophe; insects thrive in such conditions, and might end up consuming your plants and flowers faster than you can react to them. Rather than flood your backyard with toxic chemicals, you can turn to your essential mulch to help keep them away; here are three types of the vital landscape materials that act as natural insect repellents.

- Organic Mulches: Organic mulch is made up of the byproducts of natural sources, such as grass, bark, straw, leaves or nut shells. As they break down, they improve the chemistry of the soil; this increases the number of healthy bacteria, fungi, and insects. We know, we said bug repellent — and we mean it! These helpful insects play a major role in keeping the populations of plant-destroying, invading insects at bay, thereby improving the health of the entire garden.
- Cedar Chips: Bark or wood chip mulches contain natural oils and chemicals (such as thujone) that deter bugs. Cedar chips, in particular, can repel, kill, or inhibit harmful insects like termites, cockroaches, cloth-eating moths, carpet beetles, and certain ants. Though fir is the number one most common type of barkdust, there are many excellent barkdust specialists who are happy to lay down cedar chip mulch in your yard.
- Straw and Cocoa Bean Shells: Though it may not look too pretty, straw prevents bugs from laying eggs and multiplying in and around your garden while also protecting your plants from the spread of fungus and other diseases. It’s the smell of cocoa bean shells that keeps insects away, although you’ll most likely find the scent of chocolate quite pleasing; however, it’s important to note that cocoa bean shells are toxic to dogs, and should not be used in homes with small children.
Bugs can be extremely irritating, especially when you like to spend the majority of your time outdoors; that being said, you don’t want your property to be stinking of pesticides and bug repellent. By investing in this landscaping trick, you can get the best of both worlds: a healthy home, and a bug-free summer.