Having a yard is important to many Americans. Many Americans believe that having a yard is an opportunity to have children and dogs play in the yard, while also providing them with a nice adjunct feel to a home with its grass, that should be well-kept, mowed nicely, and grown with pesticides and fertilizer.
Yards often have another feature that make them well-loved among people who have a habit for growing things: a garden. A garden is a nice addition to a yard. It can contain daises, petunias, gardenias, phlox, pansies, and much, much more. A garden is an interest for many people in the United States, as well as the world.
Gardens have positive qualities to them that are helpful. They can keep out a stream of ants, can reduce the amount of mosquitoes, can keep out bears and even larger wildlife. This all due to certain flowers scents and the ability to repel certain animals and insects. Gardens are also, generally speaking, nice to look at.
Gardens can be a nice addition to a home, as it is possible to work on the garden just a few hours per week and enjoy the garden throughout the garden season. For gardeners who are into the hobby, it is possible to go to greenhouses to purchase plants that are a little more specialized than typical plants.
Those that are just starting out in their hobby can go to local hardware stores like Lowe’s and Home Depot, where the garden centers hold numerous plants that are helpful to long term growth. Some of the plants, called perennials, bloom year after year once they’re planted, which lends themselves well to hobby individuals.
Some people might prefer annuals to perennials, as annuals have often a more vibrant color generally speaking and many can be planted in one place. Annuals have the ability to repel mosquitoes, bears, and other wildlife, as some of perennials likely do. Annuals can be found in the form of pansies, gardenias, and more.
There are many Americans who love taking care of their yard. Some statistics surrounding that are:
A new survey by Harris Poll for the National Association of Landscape Professionals conducted among 2,034 U.S. adults (ages 18+), finds that three quarters of Americans (75%) feel that it is important to spend time outside in their yards.
Eighty-three percent of Americans think having a yard is important and 90% of those with a yard think it is important that it is also well-maintained. There are also many that are thinking about upgrading their yard. Some statistics about them and their preferences are as follows:
The majority of homeowners upgrading their outdoor spaces are addressing their backyard (64%). The vast majority of upgrades are either substantial (58%), e.g., paving, new beds, building/upgrading structures, or a complete overhaul (29%), e.g., re-grading, terracing, re-landscaping.
There are many people that believe upgrading their outdoor spaces can include items that are more safe than the previous items. For instance, some people believe that putting a barrier around the pool can help keep children safe from falling in and having a problem, which can result in drowning or other ailments:
A four-sided isolation fence (separating the pool area from the house and yard) reduces a child?s risk of drowning 83% compared to three-sided property-line fencing. This statistics shows how important it is when starting new projects to be able to include possible features in mind that aid in the well-being of children.
One of the largest projects a person can take on in their backyard or even their front yard involves a person’s ability to lounge out over the backyard but not be on the grass or actual physical components of the landscape. These “decks” are generally made out of wood and can keep people from slipping in the dirt or enabling people to hang out.
Deck materials are generally involved in deck construction. A new deck may use new deck materials or recycled wood and other recycled deck materials. Deck construction can take a significant amount of time and building a new deck with new deck materials may take some time. The money it takes can be significant as well.
There are many good reasons to build a deck. Using the right deck materials can go a long way.